Adopt A School Initiative


Hello Bobcat Families!  During the 2022/2023 school year, our school adopted a title 1 school in our area, Mimosa Elementary, located 10 miles from our school. We provided them with a lot of "needs" and a few "luxuries" as the year went on! 


  Each month, the students were encouraged to bring in the donation of the month and it was stacked up in the atrium. It was an amazing opportunity for our students to see the power we have when we work as a team to help others!


The students were introduced to the program in August and helped us create a fun display in the atrium, right outside the cafeteria, made out of apples! Each student answered the question, "If you could give ANYTHING to a school in need, what would it be?" There are some funny, heartwarming and intelligent answers!


We launched the initiative by hosting a staff breakfast at Mimosa the week before school started! Then, in September, we collected snacks to be distributed throughout the school so each teacher could start the year with snacks for their students. The rest of fall included a winter clothes drive, "Thanksgiving in a Bag" and Hot Chocolate parties for all the classes. In the spring, we collected items to stock the Teacher's lounge, fun equipment for Field Day and coffee and treats for the staff.


Our school community is one of a kind and we hope we encouraged our children, "when you have, you give."










