About Our PTO


The Birmingham Falls Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (BFES PTO) supports our school, students, staff and curriculum. In fact,100% of fundraising proceeds stay at BFES and are directed to the needs of our students and staff to support programs and efforts like the following:



- Welcome Breakfast on the First Day of School

- Back To School Ice Cream Social 

- Bobcat Bash

- Mother/Son Event

- Father/Daughter Dance



- Assemblies like The Science Guy

- Agendas for 2nd through 5th grade

- STEM Lab (The Mad Scientist program!) for every grade level

- Recess and Playground Equiptment



- Curriculum Support

- Specials support (Media Center, Music, etc)

- Classroom Supplies

- Staff Appreciation Week

- Teacher of the Year and Staff Person of the Year



- Campus Beautification

- Technology Improvements



Essentially, when there is something that will bring our community together or helps out our staff or students in a way to advance their learning, we say YES!


We rely heavily on volunteers to make BFES a fun and unique place to be! Your PTO takes on programs and events like Spirit Wear, Hospitality, Box Tops, Amazon Smile, Business Partners, Family Events, Bobcat Dads and Bobcat Moms and more...


Please visit our volunteer page to check out the volunteer opportunities or reach out to us at birminghamfallspto@gmail.com to get involved!


Being an active PTO member has many advantages:

  • Belong to a community of parents committed to their children's well-being and to improving school performance.  

  • Your membership fees help support BFES PTO programs and events.

    You have access to the school directory

  • It's a great way to get to know the teachers, school faculty, and other families at BFES!



The main difference between a PTO and a PTA is that a PTO does not have to pay association fees. That means ALL the money we raise stays right here at our school! 



Contact your BFES PTO President to learn more or to get involved at birminghamfallspto@gmail.com




Join Today!

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